C__582 - The next generation of rotary encoders:
The new generation of rotary encoders in 58 mm build by TR-Electronic offers efficient design combined with state-of-the-art equipment.
As a robust magnetic rotary encoder, it scans a resolution of 13 bit within one turn (single turn) and 12 bit turns (multi turn), optionally 16 bit. The precise optical scan even permits 15 bit or 18 bit in single-turn parts. The absolute value encoders are delivered with servo flange, clamping flange and push-on hollow shaft up to 15 mm; a continuous hollow shaft up to 15 mm is also available with optical scanning. Installation space is valuable. It is important that the connection lines are not in the way. For the versions with full shaft and push-on hollow shaft (blind shaft), you can choose between the axial cable output (=i.e. on the housing lid opposite the shaft) or a radial one (= on the side of the tube). A cycle time of less than 1 ms for updating of the rotary encoder actual value makes it possible to use the new C__582 without limitation for faster position control. The output is scalable: Broken gear parameters (enumerator/denominator) map nearly any gear factor, even for precise recording of closed round axes. The absolute rotary encoders by TR meet the standards of the respective user organizations for parameterization; Users will find it easy to handle the standard parameters this way. Additionally, free configuration offers simple access to all functions that are available in addition to the standard. The time basis of the speed evaluation can be adjusted freely in the range from one millisecond to one second and can be scaled in any units as well. Knowing about the condition of the system at all times is one of the most important aspects of industry 4.0. No matter if it is about utilization or pending maintenance: C__582 will supply all necessary alarm and diagnosis messages for long-term machine and plant control. The new generation of C__582 industrial standard rotary encoders is consistently equipped with state-of-the-art chip families and supports the latest communication standards for industry 4.0. Preset values are transmitted "on the fly" via the real-time-capable process mapping area. Thus, absolute adjustments (also called "preset" or "offset adjustment") can be performed synchronous with the control cycle even in active plant operation. Axle standstills are no longer required for this. The new generation of absolute rotary encoders consistently supports modern Industrial-Ethernet versions - currently, these are Profinet, EtherCAT and Ethernet/IP - for which further options are integrated. Brochure for downloading (pdf)
press article including photograph C__582 encoders
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