Renewable energies

Measurement and control systems for photovoltaic and wind power plants
With the start of the energy revolution, photovoltaics and wind power have become a key issue in public energy supply. The triumphant advance of alternative energy generation could be even quicker, if system efficiency is further developed. This requires intelligent measurement and control systems, which contribute to making renewable energies economically competitive as well.
TR-Electronic in photovoltaics
Through intelligent monitoring of photovoltaic systems TR-Electronic ensures increased efficiency, which in turn means that photovoltaic systems pay for themselves more quickly. High-resolution rotary encoders enable exact positioning of the solar modules. Compact drives reduce the number of components to be networked and reliably align the system to the sun, even after a number of years.
Successful products from TR-Electronic in photovoltaic systems:
- High-resolution rotary encoders
- encoTRive compact drives
TR-Electronic in wind power
Our solutions are used everywhere in modern wind plants: They align the rotors optimally and thus ensure maximum energy generation in all wind conditions.
Absolute rotary encoders monitor the speed of the rotor and the position of the rotor blades, and are used for Azimuthal tracking of the gondolas – for maximum safety also available as SIL3-/PLe-certified absolute rotary encoders.
Comprehensive and easy-to-operate monitoring systems with Piezo sensors and industrial PC are used for dynamic load analysis, vibration measurement and transmission monitoring.
Successful products from TR-Electronic in wind power plants:
- Absolute rotary encoder
- SIL3-/PLe-certified absolute rotary encoder
- Linear absolute position sensors
- smartCONTROL monitoring systems
- Industry PC
- Level measuring systems